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Home Roofing Roof Sheet & Polycarb Polycarbonate

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    Right Angle COLORBOND®ULTRA 100mm x 100mm Apron Flashing (KLIPLOK®) COLORBOND® Tri-Fixx Roof & Gutter Silicone (Clear) SPANDEK® COLORBOND® Internal Gutter Bracket ZINCALUME OGEE GUTTER Half Round Nozzle 90mm ZINCALUME® Corner Capping COLORBOND® 90mm x 90mm


‘Solasafe’ polycarbonate sheeting provides 99.9% protection from harmful UV rays that cause sunburn and skin damage. Outdoor family and children’s play areas are part of the Australian lifestyle, and selecting the best roofing solution is the first step to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your investment.

Polycarbonate is an advanced polymer with optical and physical properties that can’t be matched by other materials.Choose from three profiles: corrugated, greca and 5 rib.


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Solarsafe Polycarbonate Corrugated

Solarsafe Polycarbonate Greca

Solarsafe Polycarbonate 5 Rib